Hello again!
The photos I have taken over the last two weeks were jumbled up in the transfer to Flickr to in no particular order, the things we have done this week include (lots and lots of photos to share here)
This was us at our first North Bucks HE Friday playtime. A solution I have discovered to our weekly trips over to the home ed groups in MK is to try to establish a community of our own local to us. We are considering moving to be near more active communities and friends we have made (and also share tutoring costs later down the line) but if get on our feet here then we may not move. Anything can happen in the future but if it works for us in the here and now that is good enough. There was a good turn out. Six families, three I hadn't met before which I was very happy about and with children the same ages. These photos are on Miles with his mates Alicia (swings) and Meg (rolling down the hill) and Caden practising balancing and looking a little nervous.
It was a great playground until the school was let out and suddenly loads of kids swamped the playground and they couldn't get on anything so we left. A huge benefit of learning at home is daytime access to facilities and resources.
This is a Milesy masterpiece! He loves art as Caden does.
Caden did a particularly good likeness of Paul here, paying close attention to his ears. ;)
A nice but of writing from Caden and the boys having a quiet game of magnetic fishing together.
This is Caden's tower which got us talking about foundations, bridge supports and supporting structures.
Miles making something amazing with his workbench. Concentrating hard!
This is Miles helping me to make almond milk. First we blend the almonds with water, then we strain the mixture through a nut milk bag and separate the milk from the solid. Then we decant the milk into a bottle and voila!
The finished product! Miles loves drinking it!
Caden learned how to carefully turn on and off the outside tap and to fill up his own water Gun! Great for me as now theoretically I won't be interrupted every minute to refill a water gun! Miles takes a lot longer to empty his water gun! Lots of playing outside every time the sun shone, it hasn't been too often so we've made the most of it.
We visited friends, Caden was the red knight! A Kangaroo was involved somehow, then we fed the ducks and played at their local park. Lots more rolling down hills was done plus we learned how to make daisy chains!
I love how Caden is giving Milly a flower in a very chivalrous way in the last photo.
Other things we have done include trampolining which Caden loves and Miles enjoys watching, Miles and I went for a walk in Bletchley this time while Caden had his lesson. It was a rare treat for Miles and I to have time just to ourselves and we loved it. Miles chased the pigeons (they didn't love it!) and we talked about the things we saw together. Then back at the leisure centre Miles had a good play running under the tennis net! It's a great feeling to see Caden really enjoying his classes now. There are so many classes he didn't take to but trampolining and yoga really stand out as ones he enjoys. We have talked about setting up a taekwondo class in Aylesbury and I am hopeful of that being one he enjoys too. I would like him to do a martial art. The jury is still out on cricket.. He doesn't seem to like team sports so much but we have a few lessons to go so will give it a fair try. Paul really wants them to do football but neither have shown any interest. This may change. Probably will ;)

We did a bit of crafting ...
The boys often sleep together.
Here is Daddy and Caden about to walk round the field with Noodle.
Miles discovers the dandelion clock.
This week (it is Friday) we did loads of other stuff. Here are photos of Caden's sushi making workshop. (The sushi was delicious but the lads didn't like it). Comedy surgeon glove shots!
Here is the sushi making in action and also proof that we don't always have a totally amazing time. Caden's meltdown that we couldn't go into dinosaur crazy golf (it was raining and the sushi workshop had overrun by 45 minutes plus miles was crying - sigh!) He got over it! Miles was strapped on my back so you don't get to see his simultaneous meltdown!
Here are Miles and Megan making Indian headdresses (and eating the glue - eek!)

They had so much fun with a pile of boxes and turned them into boats (quite spontaneously and all at once). As it was USA day I think they were on a voyage to America to discover new lands (from a UK centric perspective of course). Caden loves his friend Martin so much! He will be sad when Martin starts school this year.
Miles playing with sticklebricks while Caden has his yoga class. The teacher is going to start a class for under 5s with any luck.
Caden doing a bit of yoga
Finally here is a photo of Miles playing kid k'nex with Meg at home....
And the kids all dressing up when Freddie, Betsey and Meg came to visits nd the
And the boys drinking their orange juices on the bench at the woods.
Oh and Caden read his first full online book including the chapter titles and contents this week. Maths is going ok, we are working on subtraction at the moment - it can be tough to be honest but the times tables are coming along brilliantly. He knows 2,3 some of 4, some of 5 and 10 x tables.
Thanks for reading. Off to Friday playtime now. I hope it doesn't rain....