It was Caden's official birthday party and some friends he made came along. A friend of Jan's made a superb birthday cake in the shape of a dragon, which Caden is really into, so he was very happy. Plus it was very tasty as well. The candles made it look like the dragon was breathing fire!

They have been bouncing around on the big trampoline because the weather has been so sunny and warm. Both Caden and Miles are much stronger, they have lost a bit of fat and you can see they have more muscles, with all the outdoor playing and exercise through play they are getting. It is so good for them.
We took a day trip out one day with Marc, Bella and Jan. We took a picnic and ate it in the grounds of a lovely big castle. There was a mini castle too that the kids all played on.
Back at the farm Caden and Miles love to play with the dogs. Caden has taken the puppy under his wing and is taking responsibility for her by bringing her water each day and food. He always makes sure he says goodbye to her before he goes anywhere.
I take the kids to the supermarket sometimes. Here is Bella striking a thoughtful pose for the camera. They all have a mini shopping trolley each. Marc was on my shoulders. It keeps him safe.
One morning I woke up to get the cows in for their morning milking and it was very misty. There was a mist rainbow. I have never seen one before. I managed to get a tiny bit of it in the photo but it is hard to do it justice. There was no colour, just a darker grey arc opposite the rising sun.
Caden gets on well with Jan, they are here having a chat while the BBQ heats up.
We took our kids to a local fair too.
Dodgems!!!!!! Raaaa!
Bella and Miles fell asleep resting their heads on top of each other on the way home after the fair!
The boy's French continues to come along. Miles now regularly uses French words instead of English and slowly the language is setting in for Caden too.