This was miles helping me to prepare some trout we had bought for tea. They both like handling it and miles was very accurate at placing the fish in the baking dish. 

Caden too. This is Caden pouring a little olive oil over the fish. They both enjoyed eating it. We have fish about once every two months because we enjoy it so much but don't want the pcbs and mercury from our polluted seas regularly in our food. They especially loved it when we got a whole fish and gutted it. They liked examining all the fish parts and feeling and looking at them. Particularly the mouth and eyes.
This is an action shot of the boys playing with the banana on a string. Caden wanted to make a play of Alice in wonderland and needed a moon smile (Cheshire cat) in the sky. So we tied string around a banana and hung it from the light fitting. Just out of reach.. Just. So they then forgot all about the play and had loads of fun trying to jump and leap in different ways to catch the banana. It was rather bruised by the end of the game. Clearly destined to be a smoothie ;)
Jo and I took the kids to discover another amazing playground in Aylesbury. The kids had a blast!
Above is Freddie and miles on the most amazing swings. Both boys sat on my knee and Because there was a hill where your feet went at either side of the swing, you could get really high and still be safe. They loved it and pretended they were flying.
Below are some pictures of displays the boys have made of their toys at home. The top one is all Caden's aliens line up, then the next is a selection of different creatures he made and strategically placed around the living room. Some were really good but there are too many to show. Then miles did a little display for us of his happyland toys. He wants to do things just like his big brother, it's very cute!
Above is the boys doing a bit of colouring in.
Two examples of us identifying bugs and flowers. They know a few but we are always discovering new things.
We went to another apple store workshop. This was on learning a 'garage band' app. How to choose and play our instruments and put them together to make a track. Caden loved learning how to do it but the pace of a lesson is too slow for him, he doesn't sit patiently well so halfway through we had already cracked it and enjoyed making a song so we left halfway through. It's a bit annoying but I can't blame him really, it IS hard to sit and wait while other people are being helped and you are 5 years old.
This was us identifying some birds that we didn't know the names of that flew into our garden. We discovered the goldfinch and we have seen quite a few since then.
This was a massive happyland session. We built a city and they made stuff happen. I am glad we decided to keep this range after our plastic toys cull.
This was the first day the stabilisers were taken off. He rides his balance bike well and pedals with stabilisers well, he just has to crack putting the two together now. Hopefully soon.
More to follow...
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