So Monday was lovely. The kids spent a lot of time playing together around the house which is on three floors. Their bedroom is next to the lounge and they usually trip about between rooms doing their own things. Miles in particular has really been getting stuck into his toys. It's been a pleasure to watch him exploring his toys and working out how they operate. One memory I have this week (though no photo) was watching him with his Playmobil fire engine, he turned it over a few times and then he realised that a little dial made the ladders open (to get longer) and close. Then he did that a few times and moved on to exploring other things. So much learning is going on all the time, it's great to be able to see some of it taking place without adults (me or anyone else) butting in and altering the beautiful process.
We started Monday off with drawing. A friend pointed out on Sunday that Caden always loved it (very true) and I simply hadn't got our resources in gear to make this easy for them. So we got out the felt tips, the paper and they were let loose. Many masterpieces were created. Miles has a new love of drawing too.
We went to our beloved Woodcraft Folk group on Tuesday and Caden did some excellent work identifying birds for which he received a certificate. He was so proud of it and loved the exercise. Great bit of writing practice (with help) too.
Megan, Arthur, Caden and Miles playing together. They have been friends since they were babies and have such a special bond.
Caden and Arthur have now reached an age where they (mostly) play nicely together and here they are playing ninjas! Miles obviously has his sword.
Sharing a joke!
The boys cycled to Leticia's on Wednesday for our play and movie afternoon!
Miles loves the pedal fire engine!
Me and Miles having a cuddle!
The boys (and Arthur behind them) playing with new toys! Working it all out.
Caden really loved this keyboard, his expression is one of concentration as he bangs out a choon!
I read to the boys quite a bit on this day! They all chose books. They all sat and listened really well. Arthur was particularly enthusiastic about his books. We really enjoyed this time. Miles and baby Alex joined us soon after this was taken.
There is a small cupboard/attic type room behind a door in Leticia's bedroom that she cleared out and made really dark. Then the kids got little 'bath lights' which are waterproof small plastic LEDs. They all sang Bob the Builder and had a toddler 'disco' in there. They were there for a long time and kept going back in for more. Kids love dens, what can I say!
Miles giving us a bit of acoustic!
This was as movie night was about to start. Shrek 2, lamb and broccoli, popcorn and a fleece blanket was the order of the evening!
Thursday morning I was up early to take Miles to his pre-school. Complete with his lunch today for a longer stint. I did some training and Caden played Bad Piggies. He has got very good at this. He can solve the engineering problems on it that I now struggle with! It's very clever! Then Megan woke up after my and Kirsten's workout and they invented Lego 'things'.
In the afternoon we visited our friends on a houseboat. The kids ran off to the playground (we could see them through the window) and had a great time playing there and in the coppices.
Miles is a bit young to play out yet so he stayed on the boat with his k-nex sword!
Caden and Autumn spent some time snuggled under the duvet with a tablet watching a movie (Shrek again I think)
Then we went to MK to meet my friend Alison and her two boys for a good old play at the soft play area and a nice tea together! They thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They really had a great week.
I feel I should report on the week's academic progress. A little reading this week but mostly maths. We got through all of the rest of the reception maths year. Finished fractions and money. Tomorrow we start on year one. He is working at the top (platinum) level on all areas pretty much so I am entirely confident there are no gaps in his reception maths knowledge. I hope we can get through year one within a few months and then year two by the end of this year as long as he is finding it straight forward and enjoying it. It would be nice to forget about the academic side of things for the Summer again in favour of enjoying the sunshine and outdoors together!