We all got cabin fever though and by the end of the week we were desperate to get outside.
While we were indoors we did watch a lot of films while we were poorly. We rested and tried to eat healthily. Caden and Miles re-discovered some old checkout and money toys and Caden decided to create a shop. He wrote out labels for Euros (because the money is in Euros for some reason) which gave us the opportunity to talk a little bit about foreign currencies. His labels were put against some toys he chose to sell. He then organised his money from large to small denominations and arranged them so he could find the notes easily. Everyone bought items from him and he gave change to us as well.
Caden did quite a bit of reading to me while we were stuck in. We had to take Miles to pre school for his taster session on one of the days so we wrapped up warm and I got the 'My brother's famous bottom book' for Caden to read me a chapter. Alas it has fallen out of favour this week, apparently he doesn't like it anymore. So he went off to choose another and came back with Ted Hughes' 'The Iron Man' (I feel much happier if he reads a Ted Hughes book to me). So whilst little Miles was having his 45 minute first session at pre-school, Caden and I sat on a bench outside Kingston Tesco and he read me three pages of The Iron Man. It was so nice to sit there together without being distracted by Miles and just read together. It was also nice to see people around us enjoying the scene of us reading together on the bench. I think people do appreciate seeing close and happy relationships between parents and children and it was nice to be a part of that.
Miles did well at pre-school. He did cry when I left him of course and it was hard for me to walk out. I knew it wasn't for long though and I know also that he is a sociable, confident and capable little boy. I am confident in Miles' ability to cope and relate well to the other children and adults. When I went to collect him, he was a little red-faced from crying but was 'making dinner' with plastic food and pretending to eat broccoli (actually his favourite veg. in real life too) and he was defending his little corner from the other kids, asserting himself when a little girl went to take 'his' chair. Nicely though! He was very cuddly and kissed me dozens of times when I picked him up which was lovely. He seemed fine afterwards and the staff didn't seem concerned about his reaction that day so I feel confident in sending him back. The plan is to increase Miles' hours by half an hour a week (he is going only on Tuesday and Thursday mornings) and be able to spend that time one on one with Caden doing academic work. I am hopeful about this arrangement....
At the end of the week we attempted a cycle out. It was really freezing cold but we got the bikes and drove to the free car park at Willen Lake. There was an ominous looking black cloud in the rear-view mirror as we drove there! Miles refused to wear his coat. (Three year olds!!) They cycled across the bridge and we realised Willen Lake water was so high it had flooded the path so we couldn't actually cycle around it. The kids were so excited to see the flood though and we cycled down to the edge of it just as the rain started to come. It was sooo cold! Brrr! We turned around and went home straight away, especially with Miles' lack of coat situation. At least we managed to get out of the house though for fresh air and we felt we had earned our 'sit-down' in the warmth at home together that little bit more when we got back indoors.
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