This was Caden at Woodcraft folk yesterday evening. We were a bit late arriving and his friends weren't with him this time. He strongly didn't want to be there and Miles was ill and had fallen asleep on my back. I did my best to get him involved. It was a slow start!
The task was making birds nests with melted chocolate, shredded wheat and mini eggs (Yum!). I explained what all of the ingredients were for. It helped that we were still on the same theme of birds, we have been talking about birds and ornithologists this week. He said he would like to work with birds when he is older. We also have identified lots of birds around us when we have been out and about - I particularly remember a flock of starlings that Caden identified from their spotty backs.
Once Caden warmed up to the workshop, he made this. (Green plate)
We learned that this was a nest with a 'clutch' of eggs.
Then we were set a challenge. We were told to get into teams and choose a name for ourselves (I tried really hard to stay in the background). This was the 'Adventure Time Team' with 4 kids in.
The challenge was to invent a device that would protect an uncooked egg from breaking when dropped from 2m high. The materials the children were given were 6 sheets of newspaper, string and sellotape. The children decided they were going to wrap the egg in layers and layers of newspaper tying it with string and sealing it with tape.
All the children had a go at wrapping the egg. Caden had the task of wrapping the parcel in string (he loves to tie string around things) so he was happy about that.
The reward was 5 points for an egg that didnt crack at all
3 points if the egg didnt break but had a crack
0 points if the egg broke
This was the moment that Fern, the leader dropped Adventure Time Team's parcel with the whole egg inside.
There was a big thud...... we held our breaths....
The egg didn't break, the team got the whole 5 points. This is the moment they all realised they had got the whole points, they were so excited! Caden is on stage jumping with joy!
The last activity the children did together was to pass a football between their legs and try to walk with it. This was to imitate a penguin with it's egg. Caden answered the question correctly when the children were asked how a penguin stores it's eggs. This is Caden (he was the last in the queue because he mucked about a lot when the queue was forming) with his egg between his legs.
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