It feels like 2014 is drawing to a close already. It is only September but we have a house move on the horizon now and I have a three week trip to the Far East in the middle of October where the boys have their annual holiday with their Dad and a week with Grandma. The boys and I only have five weeks now together before I go, I already miss them and I am trying to make the most of the time I have with them even though it feels like there are a billion things that all need doing at once.
We have been getting out to local playgrounds in the increasingly chilly Autumn air.
They had a birthday party at one of their best friend's houses. I had to take a photo. Look at that party display. Leticia spent weeks on this!
Hanging out at the party with their party bags!
With it being September, lots of regular home ed. groups have started up again. Our monthly IKEA meet up has restarted which we are all very happy about. They are playing with their friends at the playground here. They are growing so quickly now!
We have been to the woods with friends. Here they are playing on the wooden sculptures at Stockgrove Country Park.
We never stopped with 'school' work so we are continuing with Maths, reading and we have been looking at chemical reactions on science websites. Caden loves looking at the weird reactions that happen.
Miles' language skills have taken a huge leap lately, he is conversing well now and it feels like my almost four year old has turned into a little boy from the toddler he was.
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