Here is Caden with his good boy Spaniel, Percy Patch.
Two cool dudes!
In our amazing hammock land in our little woods..
Some work the boys did which their school put on display!
Miles in his tent for one...
I took the boys to the Perigord Aquarium and Prehistoric Labyrinth... We got a special VIP pass to go up with the Myocastor (Ragodin or Coypu). They really are super cute for a national pest!
The fish there are so tame you can stroke them! Caden climbed up every, single level of Europe's highest climbing rope course, on his own! Amazing to watch him, like Spiderman!
There was a lot of mucking about in the fab water slides and pools section at the Eurocamp.
We loved our air conditioned mobile home, such luxury!
The kids helped to make dinner!
We went to Grottes Proumeyssac and we took the Nacelle which is a basket, similar to that used 100 years ago (but thankfully with upgraded technology). No photos are allowed in the cave but they are spectacular and well worth seeing!
Some important work being produced!
We had the obligatory holiday mocktails!
A lovely little theme park we found on the way home!
The rides were basic but really great, the boys had a lovely day out here.
Miles insisted on doing the ship solo, it was so funny to watch!
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