Caden has tooth decay on one of his teeth. We have been to the dentists today who have confirmed this. He has had toothache recently and I was appalled to find an area that looked like extensive decay on one of his top molars. He was last at the dentists only 5-6 months ago and he didn't have it then. I am amazed at how quickly decay can happen. Caden's diet has changed, he does eat lots more 'junk' type food now than before but no more, or perhaps still less than many other children who eat a standard UK diet that we know. It is frustrating and I am sad he has to have a filling at just under age 6 as it is very early and it sounds like he will probably lose that milk tooth at some point. He was born with hypomineralised teeth, this was confirmed by two dentists. This means that in his pregnancy, probably my diet was insufficient in the necessary minerals for the correct formation of his tooth enamel to take place. There is even growing evidence to show that it is the mother of the pregnant mother (the child's grandparents) who affects the genes of the eggs that she grows for her daughter in her own womb that has an effect on the grandchild's teeth. All very confusing and it is what it is, no blame to be apportioned but it is interesting to know how these things can come about. I have relented on the fluoride paste at this dentist's visit because I am so mortified about his decay. We don't usually use fluoridated toothpaste preferring in the past to eat a mineral rich diet when I was raw fooding with them. Recently though we haven't eaten in that way, due to the cost and my lack of motivation for raw fooding with the stress of everything that has gone on. So they have had lots of white food, wheat/dairy/sugar etc. They brush regularly but again they are going between two houses and their Dad and I have been finding our feet so things may have slipped in that short time. We are going back for the filling in two weeks. Apparently the dentist won't be using anaesthetic and he won't be using amalgam fillings (I have just had mine removed so there is no chance I will let them put mercury in his mouth!). Should be a fun day out for all! :( I thought it was worth sharing as this is a topic that affects lots of parents. Please feel free to share any experiences or helpful information in the comments section.
Anyway... the things we have been up to include loads of bathtimes lately, they are loving playing with water again after Caden's phase of bath-hating. Miles always loved water and he is delighted to have Caden in the bath lots.
We went to IKEA after the dentists and they went into Smaland, which they love. Then we got a little lunch and they played in the small play area with some boys of a similar age. I noticed that the boy playing with Caden was of school age and asked his Dad if they were home educated. It turns out they are and they recently moved to the MK area. We had a chat while the boys played and had a great time and swapped numbers. His wife will hopefully contact me so we can get the boys together for a playtime. It's always good to meet fellow home educating families, especially when the kids get on so well.
In this photo, Caden and the boy Sacha, are being snakes, they were so hilarious, flinging themselves around all over the place. This was before the four boys actually trashed the entire play area and me and their Dad had to put it all back together, not a leaf was left standing as they were used as weapons in fighting-leaf wars!
We made it to Woodcraft Folk. They have changed venue to Wolverton Community Orchard which is fab! We didn't get the email to say it was starting later now and so we were early with some other families, it was lovely to see the kids all playing out on the street together. They are playing tag here. Miles too.
Then we went into the orchard, there is a dragon shape buried into the earth and the kids had a great time climbing around and playing on it together. You can just make out the feet (the pointing finger accidentally caught in the shot happens to be pointing at the dragon's back foot :) ) You can see the head at the left of the photo.
Then the session began, there were pop up tents which the kids all piled into...
Caden had been having so much fun making friends and getting stuck in (it makes such a difference for him when he is outdoors and can run about, he is a different boy!) that he agreed to stay at the class without me. So I took Miles to the playground, this is him at the other end of the seesaw we played on together.
When I got back to collect Caden, he didn't see me so I got a few minutes of watching him interact with everyone. He was very chatty and confident and was joining in with the games really well. He looked very happy which was reassuring. Here he is telling Fern that he will be the one who counts on the hide and seek game....
Miles enjoying watching the children play games together.
Caden with his new friend, they are having a battle with their swords (sticks).
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