Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Start the Art at MK Gallery

We attended a new session today at the MK gallery. Called Start the Art. Aimed at younger children, Caden was the oldest but it is led by the current exhibiting artist Melanie Smith. We saw her work in an earlier post with a home educators visit and activity session based around her work. 

Quite simply, bricks are always a hit! 

Caden is building a train. Miles is stacking shapes!

There was a craft activity where Caden decided to make.... you guessed it... a jellyfish! 

Miles made a viewing telescope which makes everything blue when you look through it. 

I have to comment on how my two boys who never were interested in crafty projects or making things so much, just seem to be suddenly so interested in it. Caden has really got into creating things lately and has good ideas about how to use materials. He is getting used to how to glue, handle scissors safely, tear paper along the grain to tear a straight strip (for tentacles). He has learned loads about materials. How tissue paper gets clogged up when you paint it but works if you quickly dab a felt tip on it for a spot. He has got the hang of how too much glue wont dry and how you can glue either material to make them stick together. So many important little skills that he is bringing together of late. It's such a pleasure to see. 

Miles was always more interested in crafting than Caden and his independant streak is really showing through now that he is 3 and a half!! I remember Caden at this age. Enough said. Miles refuses to accept help and if help is pushed on him, he throws himself on the floor, screaming. So really, he just has to do it his way. Which is fair enough of course :)

There was painting. Miles did traditional painting by pulling the brush across the paper. He also tried a new method today of splatting the bristles on the paper to create a different effect. This was after he observed the other children trying the same thing. 

This is Caden's completed jellyfish. He was very proud of it. 

There was a sensory area (I am not sure what the significance of it was) with lots of foam in trays. Miles had a feel! 

Miles has a go at joining in with the collaborative felt tip drawing. 

A bit of chalking, always fun!

Both of them painting. 

This was a book we found and read some of. I must buy it. It is a natural history of the earth. Non-religious, scientific and detailed but put into a children's story. Very poetic too. 

My phone ran out of power again ( I know !!) So I can't show you the photos of the sculptures we went to see at Campbell Park, or the picnic we had in the gorgeous meadow while the boys ran through it with grass up to their shoulders. Or the playground we stopped at, or the boulders in the park that we decorated with chalk and left for other people to enjoy. 

Caden and I looked at different months on a calendar and spent about 30 minutes ( he was tired by the end of it I have to say) really looking at all the ways to interpret them. This is questions like 'How many Mondays are there in June?'. 'Which day does the 20th April fall on?' and 'What are the dates of the last weekend in December?' and so on. He has gotten quite good at it. We also covered analogue and digital time again in his maths work. 

Miles covered the number three and we played some games together. We also read a few books and they made another card for their Dad. 

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