Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Maths and Reading age assessments

Today Caden completed a reading test (one I found online here ) and he completed the Math's Whizz introductory maths level test although I am not sure about the result because the instructions weren't clear so we seemed to skip two parts that we actually have covered in some depth this year, he didn't seem to be assessed on them as a result. Nevertheless, he came out with a reading age of 9-10 years old which doesn't surprise me but I am very happy to see come up. His maths age came out at 7.6 year old which is slightly above his age (7.2) so even with a worst case scenario result, he is well above his school age equivalent academically. 

This week so far we have been doing capacity, area and mass in our maths program. It's fairly basic stuff and Caden seems to do really well at most of it but occasionally there is a sticking point where we stop and mark it to go back to it at a later date. It will be interesting in six months or so, to see whether he has developed the ability to understand at that level yet. Based on experience and of course learning about Child Development (developmental psychology) as part of the ongoing degree I am taking, means the learning I am doing runs parallel with my children's development. It is interesting to see them reach cognitive stages of development and some abilities that go along with that as time goes on. It happens naturally, whether they are at school or not, the difference at home being that they can go back to the area they got stuck on whenever they like and learn it when the time is right. They don't lose that lesson to the mists of time and find that they can't make a leap to a next stage lesson at a later stage. 

Their science knowledge continues to grow daily. The things we get to talk about and learn about are so interesting now. Miles is also taking a real interest in the things we all talk about. It all goes in. This week we have looked online and in books about insects, whales and sharks, we have dissected squid and labelled its anatomy; the mantle, fins, tentacles and arms etc. We have talked about the human body quite a lot, in particular the brain and its various parts and functions. We took a squid quiz online and learned about invertebrates vs vertebrates. 

We bought a book about the human body this week and a book about jokes which Caden has taken a real interest in. He loved the one which went: What do polar bears eat for lunch? Ice burgers! ;) 

There was also lots of playtime over the last couple of days too. 

Climbing with the boys and Arthur as Spiderman! With Caden's hat! 

Mushroom Miles! With Miles' hat! 

This was the moment Spiderman came to save his friends from the 'too fast' spin!

Scrambling and sliding!

The boys and I had a BBQ, this was the squid we had used to identify parts of the squid's anatomy. Then he ate it after barbecuing it on skewers. Yum! 

Our little BBQ

Caden joined me for some weightlifting this week. He really wants to learn. He did 1 set of 10 reps on three upper body exercised and 1 set of 10 on squats. I love that he is enthusiastic to learn. It would be so good for the boys to get into. He is lifting 3kg here. :) 

They visited Harlow's amazing no, AMAZING!!!! garden. Complete with chickens, their chicks, various rabbit hutches, trains at the bottom, greenhouses, berry bushes, veg beds, flowers and a mahoosive trampoline. They had a wonderful time here playing together in the sun! 

We watched Jurassic Park 3 recently. It might have been on another blog. It was for a recent movie night. This is Caden re-enacting scenes from the film. The dinosaurs are attacking people on the train - ho hum! 

I made myself my daily juice and after Caden's lifting session he wanted one for his muscles. He made a pear, celery and apple juice with a couple of spring greens leaves in. Miles had some too. 

More playtime fun. I cycled out with them after dinner one sunny evening and Caden made a friend at the park. They chased round and round. 

We have lots of plans ahead for the Summer. I have finished my final (Years 3 and 4 of the 6 year degree) exams which thankfully went very well. I am sure of a pass which is all I need, the year's studying wasn't wasted. I have been planning some things for us to do. The IF (International festival) is in MK in July. We have been to some of the events that are on there before. They have been excellent in the past. I have bought us a couple of tickets for some events. There is a play of the Iron Man on at Willen Lake, we are booked onto that. There are also lots of other arty and interactive events planned. 

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