Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wreck it Miles!

I am feeling unwell today so we are having an easier day than planned. We were going to meet friends this afternoon but we stayed in and kept warm. 

Recently our freecycle TV/DVD combi gave up the ghost. It had been brilliant in its time. It was given to me about 4 years ago from a man in Aylesbury and it worked a treat for ages. It has been on the blink a bit recently and a couple of weeks ago it just refused to work. It had a DVD stuck in it though. I consulted a friend who is into electronics and was told I probably needed to take it apart to get the DVD out. That was our project of the day today. 

Miles LOVES using tools and helping. Caden not so much though he is interested to look. He isn't interested in getting hands-on with fixing. 

So I needed screwdrivers... Caden ran off and found a spare one for Miles. I got mine. Miles got busy pretending to unscrew bits around the TV. 

We got the front and back apart. Caden was very interested to see what the inside of a TV looked like. I showed him the rectangular DVD carriage too and that it was screwed to the body of the TV separately. 

We looked briefly at the circuit boards. I showed him how some of the components simply click in and out of the circuit board and told him what solder was. We also talked about why the lines of metal run along the circuit board to conduct electricity and that solder is also a conductor. That was it though, he wasn't too interested in this really. 

Miles on the other hand.... 

Loved it! 

Here we are at the end with a totally torn apart TV/DVD and a rescued Wreck it Ralph DVD to watch. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos! Especially the last one of Miles :-D Pretty cool thing to do on a quiet day xxx


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