Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sunny Tuesday

Tuesday was busy. I had a solicitors appointment so the kids went to play at their friend's house on the Canal. They had a great time, playing swords and eating jam sandwiches and pomegranate seeds. 

Then we went to IKEA for lunch and a play on the way back. We met the same home educating family as last week and Caden and Miles were delighted to see the two young boys again so they had a bit of a play indoors and made this awesome rail track between them. Quite a feat of engineering and some nice cooperation going on!

Then they had a great play together in the playground outside. The weather has been so much nicer this week, they have enjoyed being outdoors so much. 

These are some monkey masks they made in Smaland!

Caden went to Woodcraft Folk. He found some skipping ropes and true to form he had to tie something together with it (he is going to love learning knots when he starts Beaver Scouts later this year). That something was the gate, he did a great job of tying the doors together, they were very secure! 

In the session they had planted bulbs in coir pots. We took one of these home, it's sitting on the kitchen window ledge and it will be very cool if it starts to grow! 

Caden stayed on his own again at Woodcraft Folk, he is really fitting in well there now that they are outdoors and he has the space to move around. Miles loves it too. I took Miles to the play area for an hour or so while Caden was at the group again and Miles was really eager to join in when we got back, he also loves being outdoors (boys do seem to need it especially) and he is here helping Caden tie another skipping rope around something. 

Here is Caden helping me to clear up the skittles. 

Playing on the dragon hill. 

Circle time at the end. One of the boys had done a good piece of work on the lego movie which they are hoping to use as a theme next week. Caden has already said he is looking forward to that day. 

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